Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thank You, ELizabeth.

So it's probably evident from my lack of correspondance, that it's not so fun blogging after a not so fun class. But, I'm back! last week i don' tknow what it was but i just felt funky, i felt like i was getting a head cold, I couldn't concentrate for anything and my body was just sore. I was so frustrated and I felt like saying, hello- body, don't you know that you're going to training soon? you can't be doing this! So needless to say, i've been a little stressed out lately about odds and ends, and the past couple nights I've found myself procrastinating on going to sleep.. i think i was up till past 2 last night- not fun when I have to wake up for work at 6:30. anyhow, i went in to class today, and it was so nice because it was like Elizabeth took a peek inside my head and knew exactly what I was thinking because she talked to us during our savasanas about how it is so important to come into class without expectations. No matter if we come into class after a long night thinking this is going to be a great class, or if we come in well rested and rejuvinated, thinking we're going to have a rockstar class-- you just never know. Every class is different and I need to remind myself that even though i'm gong to training and my body knows that, every class is a practice. So thank you Elizabeth, because it's one of those things that I know in my head, but it helps to have a reminder!

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