Wednesday, May 14, 2008


i'm on a streak, 3 fantastic classes in a row. I don't know what it is, but it feels like my body is just clicking into place finally. I'm still sore, and my hams still feel like they've shrunken, but I feel like I've been able to go deeper into my postures somewhat consistantly. I've been in a great mood, and I've actually been pretty awake and alert during lectures.. this is also the 3rd night we've been lucky enough to be out just after midnight so the added sleep has to be helping. Raj and Bikram are leaving tomorrow morning and i'm bummed Raj won't be back until graduation. I can't describe what an effect she has on anyone in her presence. words really don't do her justice, you have to meet her to understand. She ended lecture with a guided breathing excercize and then she read something for us that spoke to me. She talked about how pain was nothing more than a protective shell and you have to chip away at it in order to get to understanding. (ps---that's not the first time i've heard that metaphore-- ahem... JENICE!) She also talked about the importance of giving yourself to others and how that was the heart of teaching yoga. It struck a cord with me because I've been trying to do just that. I've noticed the more I do, the better I feel about myself too. Bikram always tells us, "you are born to give, not to get- and in doing so, you will receive true happiness". I defintely think it's true, and there's nothing more personally healing than helping to heal someone else... even if it's just a smile, a hand squeeze, or better yet i've noticed, a hug- it can really make a difference. So i'm gonna continue being positive and ride this wave as long as I can.

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