Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sweetest Thing...

There is absolutely no better feeling than coming off of an amazing ass kicking class, to go up and do a dialog when you know you worked hard, studied hard, and you do it right. I felt so amazing about my Triangle posture mostly because I went up there and I didn't let anything bother me. I didn't doubt myself, I didn't let anything from the past spook me, i just did it because I knew I could. I feel on top of the world right now. Except for the fact that it's ten till midnight and I gotta learn another posture now! still i'm gonna savor this and remember the feeling that way next time i fall, it won't be nearly as hard, and at least I know I can get back up. namaste!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and i'll bet you were 'acute' triangle.