Sunday, May 25, 2008

Two Outta Three Ain't Bad...

This weekend was so nice I think washed away my bad friday. I spent all saturday laying in the sun and I swear the rays are pure medecine. I went straight under the covers after the pool and i think i layed in bed from about 5 in the afternoon till this morning. it felt so good! i watched random movies that were on tv here and I went over some dialog. This morning i had a long talk with mom and dad. It was a much needed connection to the real world. I was all worked up about friday's class but dad made me realize how dwelling on it, and building it up in my head would do nothing but stress me out. Right now, my body is feeling is good and my mind is pretty relaxed. I spent another day by the pool. I played in the ocean too, and it was a blast. It was the first time i've just swam around and actually played in the waves in I can't even remember how long. I've gone wading in a few times but usually i don't want to get my hair all salty or I don't like thinking about how dirty the water is... (i'm was born a chlorine kid) but i think it was good for me to just let go and actually swim around out there. I think just being in the water is good for me. I spent the majority of about 10 years of my life underwater and it's still so welcoming. I feel like I'm at home trading water or paddeling around. Tonight my group had a "family" sunday dinner and i think everyone had a great time. It was great to have everyone together in a completely stress free environment. It's always interesting to hear about everyone's lives back home. It's so easy to just see how someone is in the yoga room or doing posture clinics but I loved hearing about their kids or jobs, or whatever else makes them happy back home. AFter dinner I worked on our last posture (yippee!) with my friend jenn. We gabbed for about as long as we practiced and it occured to me how much I am going to miss some of the good friends I have met here. There are so many different walks of life, backgrounds, and cultures here, but we all have something in common that links us. More than that, we're all on this crazy trip together and we've all been here for eachother. I can't count the number of times i've reached out and put a hand on the shoulder of someone that's been crying, and equally the same number of people have reached out and touched me. There's no question, we'll all survive the next two weeks, and we'll all be stronger and better people for the struggle we've overcome.


Hillary said...

Morgan! I messaged you a while ago about the Elk Grove Studio, the girl who was moving from Chicago to Folsom and going to training in the fall.. anyway, I was at Granite Bay yoga this morning and Kathryn taught my class and somehow we ended up talking about you! I felt like such a creep "Oh yeah I read her blog!" haha. Anyway I can't wait for you to get back to Cali so I can chat with you about training. Kathryn had the nicest things to say about you, and suggested I start practicing at Elk Grove instead of Granite Bay. So hopefully I'll talk to you soon! My email is
You are almost done with training!


Anonymous said...

reading sunday's blog was medicine for your mom and dad. so glad our yogi is better.
love you ever so.